Duizenden flamingo's en andere vogels bij Lake manyara

5-day Tanzania Safari extension

From $961 USD* / 24/7 service / 5 days

*price p.p. incl. guide, safari-jeep, hotel and park entrance fees, excl. international flight (Based on 6 persons)

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Lake Manyara

The Manyara Best View Lodge near Lake Manyara National Park is the perfect place for a day of rest in between safaris. You can spend the whole day at the infinity pool in the lodge, and enjoy the good service and amazing views. Or you go out and about and discover the many things you […]

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Embark on a beautiful day hike up the legendary Mount Meru. On the way to Camp Miriakamba, you will cross lush rainforests, experience diverse flora and fauna and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views. With our experienced guides, this 4 to 8-hour hike promises to be an exciting adventure. With a bit of luck, you will see […]

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A night game drive gives your safari a completely different twist as you see all the nocturnal animals that you not see during the day. These animals now appear with eyes lighting up in the darkness when the headlights of the safari jeep meet them. Your guide tells you all about these night lovers, and […]

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A walking safari of 6 to 8 hours through Arusha National Park is said to be unforgettable. Guided by an experienced ranger, you get up close with giraffes, buffalos, zebras, warthogs, and blue monkeys while learning about the park’s unique flora and fauna. You, for example, pass by an impressive waterfall, the Ngurdoto Crater, and […]

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During a walking safari in Tarangire National Park you feast your eyes on gigantic baobab trees, acacia woodlands and outgrown termite mounds. Don’t be suprised if you also come across migrating herds of cape buffalos, wildebeests, and zebras, or have a rendezvous with olive baboons, giraffes, impalas, and gazelles. And if you pursue bird gazing […]

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Lake Manyara

Lake Manyara National Park’s walking safari takes you through tropical forests and acacia woodlands via various natural hiking trails. A guide and armed ranger come along to ensure your safety and to lead the way along areas with a high concentration of wildlife. Don’t be suprised if you encounter animals such as monkeys, zebras, flamingos, […]

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Explore the vibrant city of Arusha with a half-day city tour. In a lovely mix of fun and culture, this tour takes you to the city’s most beautiful and interesting spots. Accompanied by a guide you visit a local market, a school, and a church. And of course, a drink at a local pub is […]

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Go on a canoe safari on one of the lakes in Arusha National Park, and take in the peace and quiet of this area in the wild. Listen to the many birds around the lake, and if you are lucky you spot hippos, giraffes, buffaloes, elephants, flamingos and other animals on the shore. An armed […]

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Lake Manyara

Take a stroll of 2.5 hours along the picturesque shores of Lake Manyara and connect with the serene beauty of famous lake! The hike takes place within the park’s wildlife management area, which is just outside the national park. It’s perfect to spot birds, and the occasional wildlife such as elephants, monkeys and smaller animals. […]

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Duration: 2-3 hours

Souvenir market

A Tanzanian souvenir market is a fascinating place to visit, as it is an explosion of colors with lovely traditional paintings, woodwork, clothes of African fabrics, and multi-colored jewelry on display. Your guide shows you around and helps you bargain a good price if you see something of your liking. Strike up a conversation with […]

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